Style Guide
This page exists to demonstrate the visual styles of the various elements that comprise the design of this site. This is not only for my own benefit, as the designer and maintainer, but also to satisfy the curiosity of those interested in such things (like myself). To learn about my writing style, check the writing style guide.
Heading Level One
Heading Level Two
Second level headings are used to split text into sections. First level headings are only used once per page, in the page or post title. Hyperlinks are underlined and not colored when hovered.
- Bulleted lists look like this.
- Multi-leveled bulleted lists look like this
- Lists tend not to be used very often on this site, but they exist nonetheless.
Heading Level Three
Third level headings are most often used to denote names rather than sections, so have a lower visual priority. Headings should avoid containing or being themselves hyperlinks, but when this rule is broken, heading hyperlinks do not differ in style from the heading itself.
- This is a numbered list.
- Numbered lists can also have multiple levels
- Numbered lists, like bulleted lists, are not used particularly often on this site.
Heading Level Four
Tables are included because there are times in which visual data representation will be needed and it is much easier to explain with some tables.
Images may take one of two forms; aligned (left or right) or centered. Captions are encouraged, but not required.
Images are currently used only sparingly, but must flow with the content. Captions should be readable, but not distract from the main article. Like images themselves, they are supplements.