Research is the joy of discovering something that you never knew before. I can't develop without research and I can't have joy without discovery. This literature has brought me joy in my development and discovery as a person.
The Code Breaker
Walter Isaacson
A Carnival of Snackery: Diaries (2003-2020)
David Sedaris
Rick Hanson
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
The Best Of Me
David Sedaris
The Upswing
Robert D. Putnam
Figure It Out
Wayne Koestenbaum
Eating Animals
Jonathan Safran Foer
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
C. G. Jung
Parable of the Talents
Octavia E. Butler
The Good Heart
Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, Robert Kiely
Narrative Economics
Robert J. Shiller
Bottle of Lies
Katherine Eban
The Big Nine
Amy Webb
George Church, Edward Regis
Phishing for Phools
George Akerlof, Robert J. Shiller
Hacking Darwin
Jamie Metzl
Against Everything
Mark Greif
Losing Earth
Nathaniel Rich
The Stone Reader
P. Catapano, S. Critchley, et al.
Design As Art
Bruno Munari
A Walk in the Woods
Bill Bryson
The Elements of Typographic Style
Robert Bringhurst
Burny's Journeys
Burny Finkle
The Wisdom of Insecurity
Alan Watts
How to Think Like an Anthropologist
Matthew Engelke
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Oliver Sacks
Critical Path
R. Buckminster Fuller
Grid Systems
Josef Müller-Brockmann
Me Talk Pretty One Day
David Sedaris
Freedom of the Hills
The Mountaineers
Animal Spirits
Robert J. Shiller, George Akerlof
Life at the Speed of Light
Craig Venter
Jules Laforgue — Poems
Peter Dale (Translator)
EPA Graphic Standards System
Christopher Bonanos, Jesse Reed, Hamish Smyth, Tom Geismar
Interaction of Color
Josef Albers